Summarizing a text using topic modeling

Much of biodiversity is discovered in museum collections, sometimes years after the specimen has been collected. Ploughing through expedition notes and logs is then required and therefore having a way to summarize the contents of a large text corpus can be very interesting. In this example, I will graphically summarize “On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin (it seemed a suitable choice) to demonstrate this technique.

These are the libraries I will be using:


I obtained the text of the 1859 edition from Wikisource. The book has 14 chapters which I saved each in its own text file, labeled “chapter01.txt” to “chapter14.txt”. First, I loaded every chapter of the book and stored it in a data frame, with one row for each chapter and 3 columns: book, chapter and text.

#read a text from path x
read <- function(x) {paste(readLines(x), collapse=" ")}
#read origin of species <- 14
origin <- character(
chapter <- c(
for (c in chapter) {
   path = paste0(
      sprintf("%02d", c),".txt")
   origin[c] <- read(path)
} <- data.frame(
   c("origin of species"), 
   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames( ) <- c("book", "chapter", "text")

Next, cast the corpus to a document term matrix (dtm), that will be used as input for the topic model:

dtm <- %>%
   unnest_tokens(input="text", output="word") %>%
   anti_join(stop_words) %>%
   count(chapter, word) %>%
   cast_dtm(document=chapter, term=word, value=n)

Finding the best number of topics

In order to summarize the book, I have to know how many topics it deals with. This is an interesting problem, since for this book as for most texts, there will not be an obvious answer. I used the measure of “perplexity” provided by the “topicmodels” package.

I will try to fit a model, here Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) provided by the package “topicmodels”, to a number of topics from 2 to 50.

num.tries = 50
# k=1 doesn't make sense,
# so there are num.tries-1 entries
# in the vector holding perplexities
mod.per = numeric(num.tries-1)
for (i in 2:num.tries) {
   mod <- LDA(
      k=i, # k is the number of topics.
      control=list(alpha=1, seed=10005))
   mod.per[i-1] = perplexity(mod, dtm)
# store the result in a data frame for further use
mod.per.df <- data.frame(c(2:num.tries), mod.per)
colnames(mod.per.df) <- c("k", "perplexity")

After having fitted a LDA model for a number of topics between 2 and 50, and calculated its “perplexity” (which takes 20 minutes on my computer), I can now search for the smallest number of topics after which adding new topics does not decrease perplexity.

#set number of topics to
#the first k with lower perplexity than all following k's
min.p <- mod.per.df$perplexity[2] 
num.topics <- num.tries 
for(i in mod.per.df %>% pull(k)) {
   k.current <- mod.per.df %>% 
      filter(k==i) %>% 
   k.following <- max(
      mod.per.df %>% 
      filter(k>i) %>% 
   if (k.current < k.following) {
      num.topics <- i
      min.p <- k.current

In this case, 12 topics seems appropriate. This can be seen on the following plot:

Fit a model, here Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) provided by the package “topicmodels”, using the best number of topics as the “k” parameter (here 12).

mod <- LDA(
   control=list(alpha=1, seed=10005)

The LDA model return two matrices. The “beta” matrix is the document-term matrix, which describes the words that characterize a topic. Each word is given a value (phi). For each topic, find the words in the document-term matrix where the phi is in the 99.9% quantile, to get a grasp of what each topic is about.

#grab the topic-term matrix
beta <- tidy(mod, matrix="beta")
#add a column with the upper 99.9% quantile of beta for each topic
q <- beta %>%
   select("topic", "beta") %>%
   group_by(topic) %>%
   summarize(quants = quantile(beta, probs = c(0.999))) %>%
   mutate(quants = quants[[1]])
#list the terms with beta in the upper 99.9% quantile for each topic
topics <- beta %>%
   select(c("topic", "term", "beta")) %>%
   group_by(topic) %>%
   arrange(topic, desc(beta)) %>%
   filter(beta > q[topic,]$quants)

I can now print the most characteristic words for each of the 12 topics:

topic.terms = c()
for (t in 1:num.topics) {
   word_frequencies <- tidy(mod, matrix="beta") %>%
      mutate(n = trunc(beta * 10000)) %>%
      filter(topic == t)
topic.string <- paste(topics %>%
   filter(topic == t) %>% 
   arrange(term) %>% 
   pull(term), collapse=", ") 
   print(paste("Topic", t, ":", topic.string)) 
   topic.terms[t] <- topic.string

This gives the following topic characterizations:

Topic 1 : animals, distinct, forms, life, nature, species, varieties
Topic 2 : flower, natural, pollen, selection
Topic 3 : breed, breeds, domestic, pigeon, pigeons, selection, wild
Topic 4 : bees, cells, instinct, instincts, nest, wax
Topic 5 : crossed, crosses, fertile, fertility, hybrids, pollen, species, sterility, varieties
Topic 6 : habits, natural, organ, organs, selection, structure
Topic 7 : islands, plants
Topic 8 : increase, plants, struggle
Topic 9 : characters, selection, variable
Topic 10 : characters, classification, descent, organs, rudimentary
Topic 11 : doubtful, genera, larger, naturalists, ranked, species, varieties
Topic 12 : formation, formations, forms, geological, intermediate, species, time”

Now for each chapter, plotting the document-topic probabilities gives the diagram at the top of this post. To do this, I have to use the other matrix returned by the LDA model: the document-topic matrix “gamma”, and plot the chapters on the horizontal axis, the probability that a topic describes a chapter (which is also called “gamma” as is the matrix) is plotted as a color.

# set the size of the diagram
options(repr.plot.width=15, repr.plot.height=8)
# make a palette for the number of topics
mycolors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))(num.topics)
#grab the document-topic matrix
gamma <- tidy(mod, matrix="gamma")
      # has to be numeric to sort the chapters in the right order
      # has to be factor to use a discrete color scale
   ) + 
   geom_col() +
   scale_fill_manual(values = mycolors, labels = topic.terms) +
   scale_color_manual(values = mycolors) +
   theme_classic() +
   labs(x="Chapter", y="Document-topic probability", fill="Topic")

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