Hearing in Penguins – Hörfähigkeiten von Pinguinen

Neue Publikation, beim Umweltbundesamt!

Das Projekt untersuchte das Hörvermögen von Humboldt-Pinguine. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Tieraudiogramm-Datenbank entwickelt, die den Vergleich zwischen den veröffentlichten Hörkurven verschiedener mariner Tiere erlaubt. Mit diesem Vorhaben wurde der Grundstein für zukünftige Studien über das Hörvermögen von tauchenden Vögeln gelegt hat und so zu einem größeren Verständnis beigetragen, inwiefern Meeresvögel von Unterwasserlärm betroffen sind.


Refactoring the Animal Sound Archive

For my latest project at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, I refactored the Animal Sound Archive search interface and API. The Animal Sound Archive contains thousands of high quality, scientifically checked recordings, which can be used freely for science or any purpose. Thanks to the wonderful colleagues of the Animal Sound Archive Team, it has been a pleasure.

Check it out on GBIF!


Spectrograms are a common visualization of sound data. Visualizing sound data can be useful when doing a presentation or for publication. Additionally, machine learning algorithms for classifying sound data generally use spectrograms as their starting point, instead of the sound data itself, as many advanced algorithnms for classifying images are readily available. The example uses the R packages warbleR (Araya-Salas & Smith-Vidaurre, 2017), seewave (Sueur, Aubin, Simonis, 2008) and tuneR (Ligges et al., 2018).

This example draws the spectrogram of the call of a tawny owl (Strix aluco).

Tawny owl (Strix aluco). Alvaro Ortiz Troncoso, XC494801. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/494801.
Continue reading “Spectrograms”

Hearing and vocalization ranges of marine animals

For a project on noise pollution in the oceans at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, I recently made this plot of the hearing and vocalization ranges of selected marine animals. Range plots are generally not-so-common plots. In this example, I plotted the hearing and vocalization range (frequency) for several species of whales, dolphins, seals, turtles and fishes.

Hearing and vocalization ranges of marine animals
Continue reading “Hearing and vocalization ranges of marine animals”